Best Monitoring System


If you want to monitor a property, traditionally you would contract a security firm to do it for you. The problem is that you just trust them they are actually monitoring it but you will never know if they are doing their job or not. That is why we created Security Services Monitoring and you can choose one of two options.



An alarm system alerts you when the property is unattended and invaded by thieves. These smart, easy to learn devices notify you when intruders attack your property while you are away or sleeping. 

Employee theft comes in many forms including the taking of office supplies at home for personal use, theft of retail products, and the retail theft of the cash register. The greatest risk of theft is when the employees have the need and the opportunity presents itself.

Control and prevent theft of suppliers.

You can monitor job security, which is one of the main concerns of companies that want to protect themselves, employees and their customers.

Monitorear y mejorar la productividad del empleado y evitar la pérdida de tiempo en el trabajo. La vigilancia de la productividad de los empleados es fundamental en el mundo actual de los negocios, especialmente con los empleados que tienen acceso a Internet, correo electrónico, Facebook y más


A totally automated monitoring solution where we place sensors (presence, cameras, infrared) in strategic places all over the property and let the system work. You can configure the system to visualize real time video, save pictures every once in a while, fire alarms if something abnormal is detected and send notifications right to your smartphone, email, you name it.

A second option is to install hardware on the property to ensure the security staff is doing its job, placing control stations on strategic places where the vigilant has to check in at specific times. We have many security features to ensure the correct vigilant is doing the check in in the correct control station; NFC readers, fingerprint reader, GPS location, control station inclination. If one of those values do not match you will notice it, and you will be able to monitor which vigilantes are doing their work correctly and those that don’t.

Avenida Antea 1032
Torre Capita, piso 4 int 404.
Col: Jurica, Querétaro, Qro., C.P. 76100

Monday to Friday
8 am - 5 pm

+52 (442) 227 8995